Consulting and Expert Resources

Expertise without a long-term commitment.

Bringing on short to medium term subcontractors to meet project needs provides your organization with immediate access to specialized skills.  These consultants are able to help address specific needs, all while helping you avoid long-term commitment and financial overhead. 

At Porter Consulting, we’ve helped organizations optimize their resource needs and achieve their project goals for over 25 years. 

Our consultants work alongside your employees to flexibly scale and accelerate organizational plans.


Do you have a project that requires specialized skills to take it across the finish line?  

We have access to a broad range of resource skills to take your success to new heights. 

Recently we have provided project support in the following areas: product marketing and management, competitive analysis, partner management and acquisition, customer advocacy, training, software development, and finance.

At Porter Consulting, our short and medium-term subcontractors provide a flexible project solution, allowing your company to easily adjust resource levels according to project phases or changing business needs. This adaptability ensures that you can efficiently allocate resources, optimizing the team size for maximum productivity.

Bringing on short and medium-term subcontractors through Porter Consulting often proves more cost-effective than bringing on full-time employees. This is particularly advantageous for projects with defined timelines and specific deliverables.

With Porter Consulting, our goal-oriented approach ensures that your projects are completed on time and on schedule.  This minimizes the risk of delays, allowing your organization to meet client expectations and business objectives consistently.

Contact us to learn more about working with our short and medium-term resources on your projects.

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